Sales & City Recruitment


Partnering for Success

We have a long tradition of successful collaborations. Our approach to partnerships has been path-breaking and successful in the Indian pharmaceutical industry in terms of product and market coverage and leveraging each other’s partnership strengths. They are an essential and integral part of our research and business strategy. Every day, we commit ourselves to aligning our capabilities with business opportunities and everything we do is based on being easy to work with to ensure mutual success. We continuously engage in new projects to aid technology development, manufacturing process enhancement and innovative drug delivery systems development.

Over the years, Azillian healthcare Pvt. Ltd has emerged as a full-fledged pharmaceutical corporation with end-to-end connectivity from discovery to delivery. Each alliance we build is based on a shared vision with well-defined goals and objectives. We have the ability to leverage and represent our entire portfolio of products and services based on their core competencies, partner great models, build and sustain operations. By pooling the talents of our science and business teams, we have engaged in numerous collaborations with a range of companies and research institutions. We look to build upon our existing strengths as well as to create new areas of expertise.

We are thus ideally positioned to be a partner of choice for global discovery and manufacturing outsourcing in the future.

CRISP: Chamaleon Regulatory Securities

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